Western Union Foundation Impact Report 2021

For the 2021 Western Union Foundation's Impact Report, the ask was to tell the brand story with as clean and simple a design as possible, optimized for online viewing. I took a select few brand elements and turned them into storytelling tools, utilizing bright blocks of color as containers to balance out the desired white space.

Elanco Employee Benefits Enrollment Booklet 2020
In 2019, Elanco had recently become independent from parent company Eli Lilly. The challenge for their updated Employee Benefits packet was to emphasize the changes to their policies and instill confidence in the company's new direction without straying from brand.

I pushed strong diagonal shapes and color overlays in a rich, vivid aesthetic to create a happy medium between "new" and "familiar" for employees.

The booklet was printed and distributed to all Elanco employees, as well as revamped for new employees and again to reflect the COVID-19 crisis.